Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Worldview And Implications Of The Bible - 995 Words

A worldview is the overall structure that a human being can use to interpret the world and how it applies to their life individually. It is what people believe about the big questions in their lives; who are we, how did we get here, is God real and why are we here? In today’s modern world, there are many different views regarding the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture. This paper will focus on the worldview and implications of these topics based on the Bible, in particular, Romans 1-8, and how it still applies in today’s world. Christians believe that the natural world was formed by the spoken word of God (Genesis 1:1). Paul writes in Romans, that God has revealed His existence to everyone by His creation. Every person, therefore, has a choice to either accept or reject God. God has shown us that He is a God of love, order, beauty and forgiveness. One day all will be judged and because of His revelations to us, we have no excuse for rejecting Him (Romans 1:20). Paul warns Christians of the dangers of falling into worship of the creation instead of the creator (Romans 1:25). The Israelites did this also when they were led out of captivity and they were worshiping the image of the golden calf. We can see this in today’s use of astrology as the guide to life and problems. It is an honor that God created man in His image; Christians must not dishonor God refusing to glorify Him and falling into idolatry (Romans 1:22-23). All are condemned by sin andShow MoreRelatedBiblical Concepts Of Accounting And Fina nce811 Words   |  4 Pagesglobe. Both the Old and New Testament of the Bible discuss the subject of accounting and finance in many scriptures and parables. The biblical concepts taught about accounting and finance are, without fail, applicable to modern business. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Poverty in Canada. - 1850 Words

Poverty is a reality in Canada today. Despite having one of the highest standards of living among all the developed nations, and despite being voted numerous times in recent years by the United Nations as the best country in the world in which to live, experts agree that poverty is prevalent in Canada today. Unfortunately, that is more or less where the agreement ends. Exactly how prevalent and how serious a problem poverty is in Canada is an open question that has been hotly debated for the last 10 years. There have been two times in the past 300 years when economic structural changes have occurred in the world that have been so massive and so far-reaching, that the impact on societies has been nothing short of monumental. The first†¦show more content†¦4. Certain population groups were more likely to be poor than others. These included: * Single-parent families, whose poverty rate was 2.45 times higher than the average. * Aboriginal persons, whose poverty rate was 2.26 times higher than the average. * Recent immigrants, whose poverty rate was 2.17 times higher than the average. * Visible minorities, whose poverty rate was 1.53 times higher than the average. * Persons with disabilities, whose poverty rate was 1.47 times higher than the average. 5. Poverty rates varied considerably according to age and gender. The young and the elderly are more likely to experience poverty. The incidence of poverty declines with age until age 45 to 54, after which it rises again. Women in every age groups are more likely to live in poverty, and women seniors above age 75 are the most like of any group. Among males, boys up to age 14 had the highest poverty rate. Children and youth made up one third of the total poor population. 6. Poverty rates varied based on education levels. As expected, in every city examined persons with less than high school education were more likely to be poor than those with a post-secondary level education. However, at least 6 percent of post-secondary graduates in every city lived in poverty, and in six cities that rate was over 20 percent. 7. Poverty rates varied based on occupational skillsShow MoreRelatedPoverty And The Poverty Of Canada1236 Words   |  5 Pagesevery group of seven people in Canada there is one person who knows this isn’t impossible at all; it’s their reality, and it’s called poverty. Being one of the eight richest and highly industrialized countries in the entire world, and apart of the G8 countries, Canada is still the only one that hasn’t devised a national anti-poverty plan or even a housing plan. Which is absurd, because according to a 2010 report by the Wellesley Institute titled Precarious Housing in Canada between 150,000 –to 300,000Read MorePoverty in Canada Essay1492 Words   |  6 PagesPoverty in Canada Sociology 1000: Writing Assignment 11/26/2012 Cassandra Vincent How can there be so many people in poverty? It is all around us even though Canada has made the G20 Richest Nations; they still have one of the highest poverty rates for in the industrialized world. Through reading many articles such as Ann Duffy and Nancy Mandell’s â€Å"Poverty in Canada†, others that I have found online, and my own personal experience I have learned the numerous reasons why so many people inRead MoreWomen Poverty in Canada1652 Words   |  7 Pagesmagazine show off their trademark, healthy kids, happy families (Parents Magazine, p.1 June 2011). These messages are helpful from young to old. Encouraging bonding and finding simple things that suit and family. This is important for a client who is in poverty and would like to find ways to have fun with her children. In contrast to this magazine portraying to promote healthy kids and happy families (Parents Magazine, pg. 1. June 2011). There are contradicting messages found in all three magazinesRead MoreThe Need to Address Poverty in Canada990 Words   |  4 PagesPoverty is a serious issue in Canada needs to be addressed promptly. Poverty is not simply about the lack of money an individual has; it is much more than that. The World Bank Organization defines poverty by stating that, â€Å"Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time†. In Canada, 14.9 percentRead MorePoverty in Canada: Relative Poverty Measurement Essay1794 Words   |  8 PagesPoverty is an ongoing problem in Canada. 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First, by identifying what povertyRead MoreWomen, Ageism, and Povert y in Canada2779 Words   |  12 Pages November 19, 2011 Women, Ageism and Poverty in Canada Women have benefitted greatly from the efforts of Feminism. The three waves of feminism have given women the vote, control over their bodies, freedom of choice, the right to pursue higher education, empowerment, the ability to identify areas of inequality, the right to attain male dominated jobs and the right to expect equal pay for work of equal value. Women have fought hard to obtain the tools to rise above the glass ceiling. For all thatRead MorePoverty: Phillipines vs Canada Essay1062 Words   |  5 Pagesthe concern of poverty in the economy of the Philippines and Canada. The Philippines is a country that has been destroyed by widespread poverty. The economic concerns in this country have multiplied in the past decade. There are many causes to the many problems and not enough effective reforms to rectify them. They currently have a population of 88 million people, and it is expanding rapidly. An increasing population with out enough jobs to sustain them increases the poverty level. In thisRead MorePoverty In Canada Has Been On The Rise For Many Years And1887 Words   |  8 PagesPoverty in Canada has been on the rise for many years and there have been various statistics surrounding poverty among the provinces in Canada. The driving forces regarding poverty such as the social assistance benefits, the level of minimum wage, and minimal employment all are key elements that encourage poverty. Those that are most susceptible to go through poverty include children, aboriginals, Canadians of colour, those that have disabilities or physically impaired, women, and those that recentlyRead MoreChild Poverty: The Solution from the Right Action Party of Canada747 Words   |  3 PagesWe all know Canada as a caring and generous nation. It is one of the wealthiest nations in the world and has a very high standard of living (the fourth highest in the world). Unfortunately, there is a side of Canada that is hidden from the majority of the world, and it is scar for those who know about it. In the fall of 1989, the House of Commons passed a resolution stating that â€Å"This House seeks to achieve the goal of eliminating poverty among Canadian children by the year 2000.† It is now 2009

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures for Sustainability Free Soluti

Question: Using the Sydney Opera House Environmental Sustainability Policy, and from information gathered from other sources, develop a 10-15 minute presentation to all employees of the Sydney Opera House outlining the updates that have been made to its Environmental Sustainability Policy. As part of this presentation, you must describe how the revised processes will be implemented and managed. Answer: Introduction In the recent year, Environment sustainability has become a matter of concern, in laymen term environment sustainability includes both the productive and liable management and use of resources so that the impact on the environment can be minimized and to preserve the environment for present and the coming generation. Environmental sustainability can be achieved by maximizing: the investment in clean energy technologies, the efficiency of the resources, reducing greenhouse gases and performance of the environmental sustainability (Morelli John, 2013). The main aim of this assignment is to review the Opera House Environment Sustainability Plan 2014-2016. This assignment also highlights how the Sydney Opera House is promoting its expected outcomes of the sustainability policy and who you believe are the key stakeholders for the policy and plan and also highlights the environmental sustainability commitments being implemented. Discussion The Opera Houses of Sydney, Australia is the most famous and noticeable structure and its highlights the innovative and technical achievement of the country. The construction of the building was started in 1957 and it took 16 years to complete. After the completion of the building in 1973, it attracted lots of tourist because of its structure and design ("Sydney Opera House |", 2016). The Opera House exhibits inspiration, beauty and emancipates the power of art and concepts. The main aim of the Opera House is twofold: To reserve and reaffirm the Opera House for the coming generations of the visitor, spectators and artist. To inspire and involve people by the depth, excellence and ambition of their work. The Sydney Opera House in the year 2007 was identified as a masterpiece of human creativity as a part of its UNESCO world Heritage listing. In the past forty years, the use of the Opera House has changed dramatically. In the present days, it has become Australia's primary tourist attraction spot. The building attracts more than eight million visitors and it is one of the world's busiest art performing centers. The building presents 1700 performances which can be attended by 1.4million audiences ("Sydney Opera House |", 2016). The chief executive of the Opera House is the view that, it is the responsibility of every individual to live responsively in the environment while realizing any contribution to the culture, economy and the society. They highly emphasize on reducing pollution, conservation and efficient use of natural resources, minimize waste products and improve the quality of the environment. The primary motive of the sustainability policies is to become the pioneer in the social and environmental sustainability together with the status of the Opera House as an image of new Australia and serve as a source of inspiration and to control wider environmental results together with the stakeholders. It also aims at involving its employees, society and the partners on the core sustainability problem and encourages them to take individual and collective actions. The Sydney Opera House has concentrated on four areas to promote its expected outcomes of the sustainability policy and the implementation ("Environmental Sustainability - What We Are Doing - Sydney Opera House", 2016): Efficient and responsible use of natural resources: The consumption of natural resources is increasing at an alarming rate in Australia and it has gone beyond control. So, they are trying to implement strategies that will make their task of operating in an environment where natural resources are scared and help them grow. They also engaged themselves with their stakeholder and partner to make efficient and responsible use of resources ("Environmental Sustainability - What We Are Doing - Sydney Opera House", 2016). Reducing waste materials: In the present days, Australia is encountering the problem of reducing the waste materials in the dumping ground. All the dumping grounds in Sydney has reached its saturation level, the maintenance cost of the dumping grounds are also increasing and the breaking down of organic waste contribution to the degradation of the environment. So the policy aims at avoiding production of waste, improvise recycling techniques and to conduct studies to develop better recycling g behaviour ("Environmental Sustainability - What We Are Doing - Sydney Opera House", 2016). Improving environmental risk management: The Opera House endeavour different activities that can have a probable impact on the society, environment and their reputation. They are undertaking various steps to improve the environmental risk management which will improve the performance of the environment and will result in an effective system and will also help the organization to manage knowledge ("Environmental Sustainability - What We Are Doing - Sydney Opera House", 2016). Embedding, engaging and inspiring change: They also advocated that environmental sustainability can be best achieved by implementing the ESP in the Opera House's core mission. They believed in encouraging other to reduce harmful activities that impact the environment and sustainable use of resources ("Environmental Sustainability - What We Are Doing - Sydney Opera House", 2016). The Sydney Opera House engaged Napier and Blakeley as the key stakeholders for the policy and plan ("Case Studies", 2016). Commitment The environmental sustainability commitments being implemented and suggested are: The organization will communicate, set and convey motives that encourage environmental sustainability and will implement new plan related to environment sustainability every three years. The organization will provide a clear vision of environmental sustainability. These policies will help to evaluate the performance of the organisation based on their benchmarks and standards. These policies will highlight the performance of the organisation publicly and clearly every year. The policies will also review their environmental sustainability outcomes annually at the higher management. The policies will help them to present their commitments to the employees and the stakeholders. Will also help them in achieving the requirements of the environment, policies of the government and standards of the organization. The Sydney Opera House is a legal body, which was structured in 1961, under the Trust Act of Sydney Opera House. The Opera House Trusts is made up of ten members and controls the Sydney Opera House and its site. The executive team of the Sydney Opera House together with their stakeholder implements the policy, the outcomes expected, the activities to be undertaken and responsibilities assigned ("Sydney Opera House Trust Executive Team - Sydney Opera House", 2016). It is the liability of the organisation to interact with all the employees and the stakeholders before implementing the policies related to the Environmental Sustainability. The executive team will prepare a report, which includes the new policy changes, the core aim of the policies, results and outcomes and expected profit for the stakeholders. The executive team will highlight the new sustainability policies initiatives that are included in the new policy. The management will also enlighten the stakeholders with new energy management systems that are implemented in the Opera House. The management will also point out the sustainability targets for using the resources in the organisation. The management will also highlight the drawbacks of the new policy implemented and will explain the responsibilities of the team and individual members associated with the implementation process. And they should present their report to their stakeholders in the form of a presentation to make the rep ort more precise and clear. Conclusion The above discussion provides a clear analysis of the Opera House Environment Sustainability Plan 2014-2016. The Opera Houses of Sydney, Australia is the most famous and noticeable structure and its highlights the innovative and technical achievement of the country. The construction of the building was started in 1957 and it took 16 years to complete. This assignment has also enlightened us on, how the Sydney Opera House is promoting its expected outcomes of the sustainability policy and who you believe are the key stakeholders for the policy and plan and also highlights the environmental sustainability commitments being implemented. References Case Studies. (2016). Environmental Sustainability - What We Are Doing - Sydney Opera House. (2016). Hobday, A. J., McDonald, J. (2014). Environmental issues in Australia. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 39, 1-28. Morelli, J. (2013). Environmental sustainability: A definition for environmental professionals. Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 1(1), 2. Sydney Opera House | Watson, R. T., Corbett, J., Boudreau, M. C., Webster, J. (2012). An information strategy for environmental sustainability. Communications of the ACM, 55(7), 28-30.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Gym Survey a Brief Analysis

Question: Discuss about the Gym Survey a Brief Analysis. Answer: Introduction A gym has conducted a survey based on its customers to understand their underlying behaviour. Further, a brief analysis of the existing literature on the subject is also carried out in order to identify the likely bivariate and other trends. Also, the given exercise also carries out a bivariate analysis based on the various categorical and numerical variables identified in the survey. Based on this analysis, the report offers managerial advice. Additionally, the report also focuses on the limitations of quantitative research coupled with potential abuse of statistics. Literature Review There is empirical evidence to support the idea that preferences with regards to gym and underlying behaviour is closely linked with the gender. This is particularly visible with regards to the motive with the two sexes approach the gym with the females looking to lose weight and the males focusing on enhancing the overall muscle and strength. Besides, females also exhibit a more balance exercise schedule which is apparent in their behaviour as it is part of a fitness regime for them (SMH, 2012). Hence, females tend to do exercises outside the gym also using alternative therapies of fitness such as yoga. Further, females in general tend to be more sensitive about their bodies and hence more embarrassed if it is out of shape (Sorgen, nd). Bivariate Analysis The given section tends to focus on bivariate analysis. In this regards the following three cases need to be explored. Case 1: Two categorical variables (Sample Size = 100) The two categorical variables of interest based on the result of the given survey and the associated literature review are the gender of the customer and reasons for going to the gym. The relevant two way table based on the given sample data is indicated below. Particulars Reason to go to the GYM Stress Relief Lose Weight Gain Strength Other Total Male 4 9 42 6 61 Female 3 27 3 6 39 Total 7 36 45 12 100 The proportion of the males and females belonging to the different category is shown below. Particulars Reason to go to the GYM Stress Relief Lose Weight Gain Strength Other Male 0.066 0.148 0.689 0.098 Female 0.077 0.692 0.077 0.154 It is apparent from the above that there seems to a stark difference in the reasons with which males and females go to the gym which seems to validate the existing literature review. For males, the primary reason to the gym is to gain strength which is referred to by almost 69% of the male customers. This is in sharp contrast with females where losing weight is the primary priority with almost 69% female customers vote. Case 2: One categorical variable and one numerical variable (Sample Size = 100) The categorical variable in the given case is assumed to be gender while the numerical variable is taken as the BMI. The relevant mean and standard deviation of the two groups is captured in a tabular manner shown below. Particulars Mean BMI Standard Deviation Male 26.7 3.2 Female 25.8 2.7 From the above, it is apparent that in general males tend to have a higher average BMI in comparison with the females. Also, the BMI of males comparatively have a higher range in comparison with females which is apparent from the respective values of standard deviation. The distribution of each of the variables can be derived from the respective graphs of the BMI for the two genders which is indicated below. It is apparent from the above graph that the distribution is non-normal and the data is skewed towards the left. Also, the mode, median and mean for the above data does not coincide 9 Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2015). It is apparent from the above graph that the distribution seems to be approximately normal as there is only one peak and the graph seems symmetric about the centre. Also, a bell shape curve is the result. However, the given data has some skew which is primarily because of approximated normal distribution (Hair et. al., 2015). Case 3: Two numerical variables (Sample Size = 100) The two numerical variables selected for this task are BMI and minutes on weight machine. The requisite scatterplot of the above mentioned two variables based on the given gym survey is presented below It is apparent from the above that there seems to be no definite relationship between BMI and the time that the given individual depends on doing weight exercises. Thus, it reflects that there are other variables which are a more accurate representation of the time spent on various exercises such as cardio, weights which would be driven by the gender and also the aim with which the given customer goes to the gym. The mean and standard deviation of the given variables is indicated below. Particulars Mean Standard deviation BMI 26.3 3.1 Minutes on weight machine 25 16 It is apparent from the above table that with regards to BMI the range of values is comparatively lower when compared to the minutes on weight machine. This is on expected lines considering the stark differences in preferences of gender and underlying objective. Managerial Advice Based on the above bivariate analysis and also literature review, it is imperative that the management should be sensitive to be gender preferences as these may be starkly different. Additionally, proper coaching and mentoring should be provided to individuals based upon their goal. Also, in view of the given data where 44% of the customers support the idea of a unisex gym, it is requisite that dedicated timings must be recommended especially females as these form a majority of these 44% customers. Besides, attention needs to paid on the equipment variety as about 68% of the customers consider it a significant parameter. Proposed Change Analysis Confidence interval estimation Customers supported the changes proposed = 748 Total customers participating in survey = 1000 Thus, p = 748/1000 =0.748 Standard Error (SE) = 0.748*(1-0.748)/1000 = 0.01373 The relevant z value for 95% confidence level = 1.96 (Hillier, 2006) 95% confidence interval lower level = 0.748 1.96*0.01373 = 0.721 95% confidence interval lower level = 0.748 + 1.96*0.01373 = 0.774 Thus, it may be concluded with 95% confidence that proportion of customers rendering support to the changes proposed would be in the interval (0.721, 0.774) (Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman, 2001). Hypothesis Testing Ho: p = 0.5 H1: p 0.5 The level of significance is assumed to be 5% Z statistic (calculated) = = (0.748-0.5)/ 0.01373= 18.06 At 95% confidence level, critical value of z comes out to be 1.645 and -1.645. However, The z statistic as computed above does not fall within the critical interval which leads to rejection of null hypothesis. Hence, acceptance of alternate hypothesis takes place (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2015). Thus, it may be concluded that proposed changes have support of the majority of the customers based on the gym survey results. Conclusion Based on the discussion in the above sections, it is noteworthy that gender preferences for gym customers are significant. Additionally, a critical factor which drives the exercise schedule is the underlying goal to be achieved. However, BMI does not act as a significant driver of the underlying exercise composition of individuals which is more driven from their end goal. Also, there seems to be majority support for the proposed changes which the gym management intends to bring. It is essential that these must incorporate the customer feedback obtained particularly with regards to emphasis on equipment and other behavioural preferences. Abuses of Statistics With regards to the questionnaires, possible abuse could have been possible based on how the same was filled by the respondent. For instance, if the questionnaire was filled in a group setting, the responses to certain questions may be modified such as one that dealt with whether the respondent is ashamed of the body. Also, the responses of the respondent in presence of peer group or instructor may be biased (Hair et. al., 2015). Further, it is likely that the data set may be biased owing to representation of only two nationals (i.e. US and Germany) and also because the demographics of the respondents may be significantly different from the population. Also, with regards to the responses to the proposed changes, there may be sample bias to include those who are in favour so as to project a positive image (Hillier, 2006). Besides, factors such as BMI could potentially lead to misleading conclusions. Limitations of Quantitative Research Quantitative research may not lead to general theories and relationships especially when the behaviour is being studied. One instance is the relationship between BMI and weight exercise duration which does not lead to any conclusive result. Besides, when there are categorical variables, quantitative research is limited. Also, the methods of data collection used for quantitative research may lead to biased result as has been pointed in the earlier section also (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2015). Qualitative research is applied when the researcher needs to explore the underlying motivations behind the relationships explored. In the given case, if the gym wants to understand the prime motivations between the gender differences then qualitative research using interviews as the data collection method would be preferred (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). References Eriksson, P. and Kovalainen, A. 2015, Quantitative methods in business research, London: Sage Publications Hair, J. F., Wolfinbarger, M., Money, A. H., Samouel, P. and Page, M. J. 2015,Essentials of business research methods, New York: Routledge. Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. and Friedman, J. 2001, The Elements of Statistical Learning, New York: Springer Publications, Hillier, F. 2006, Introduction to Operations Research, New York: McGraw Hill Publications, Sorgen, C. nd, His and Hers Fitness, [Online] Available at (Accessed January 25, 2017) SMH 2012, Gender and the gym, [Online] Available at (Accessed January 25, 2017) Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M. 2015, Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource, New York: John Wiley Sons

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Digital Art Exhibition Review

Table of Contents Introduction Digital Exhibition Digital art criteria Digital Virgin Digital Dancer Conclusion Reference List Introduction Digital or new media art has greatly transformed the world or art. Digital art emerged in the 1970s and has gained immense popularity with advancement in digital technology. Prior to the digital art era, modern art was more prevalent. Sometimes, digital art is often grouped as a form of modern art but comparing it with most modern art works, it is evident that there is significant difference.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Art Exhibition Review specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More New medial or digital art therefore refers to a variety artistic works prepared using digital technology (Miller 2008, p. 31). Other phrases such as multimedia and computer art are also used to refer to digital art and all the artistic work the common features are referred to as new media a rt. Uri Dotan is one of the most successful digital artists. Based in New York, the artist has many artistic works under his name. Uri Dotan’s works of art are common in many exhibitions not only in New York but also in other parts of the world. With advancement in internet technology, many artists have resorted to online exhibit to display their works of art. In this paper, I will review Uri Dotan digital art online exhibit. Digital art has wide usage in advertisement and filmmaking. It plays a significant role in the modern world where graphic representation has found wide use in the field of marketing. The wide usage of the internet has also created very significant ground for growth of digital art. Digital art can be created in various ways. Some of the artistic works are purely computer-generate while other could be generated from other sources. The works of arts could be generated through scanning, vector graphics and other technologies (Christiane 2006, p. 46). The wor ks of art therefore can refer to works of arts created through other means and later transformed using a computer program. Digital Exhibition Uri Dotan’s online art exhibit is one of the most fantastic online exhibitions to visit. Unlike conventional art exhibit, online art exhibit is accessed from any place in the world, as long as one has internet connection. Online exhibit is therefore open to large audiences. With many upcoming artists, online exhibition provides an efficient ways for displaying artistic works to the public. Uri Dotan is a skilled artist as demonstrated in his works of art. The common theme in his artistic works is that of influence of technology. In his works of arts, the artist is able to take his audience many years ahead of their time. Using his skills in digital art, the artists capture his imagination of the future. Digital art is first of all created in the mind of the artist before being projected electronically (Churchill 2007, para. 3). Uri Dota n demonstrates his imagination as he takes us fifty years ahead of our time through his skills by creating artwork that shows influence of technology on society (The Williams Gallery 2008, para. 2).Advertising Looking for essay on art? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The extraordinary Uri Dotan’s sculptures and paintings exist in digital world. The artistic works appealing to the eye right from the first pages of the online exhibition. Digital art criteria To review an exhibition successfully, one need to use some criteria. Each style of art has some expected criteria. Although the criteria are not explicit, an artist using a particular artistic knows the standard that his or her work or art should meet. Digital art style in one of the challenging styles to analyze. This is above all due to the dynamic nature of the style where digital artists keep coming up with new things every now and then (Wands 2007, p. 79). Digita l art mainly comprise of paintings, sculpture and other work of art that have been transformed using digital technology. For digital art to be considered to be successful, It should be able demonstrate relationship with the work of art from which it was obtained. Uri Dotan is able to demonstrate this as looking at his work one knows that he or she is looking an artistic work. The second criterion that Uri Dotan is able to demonstrate in his work is that is able to the medium as a tool to communicate his message rather than as an end. Their criterion that Uri Dotan is able to demonstrate in his work is originality. All the artistic works in the exhibit are not derived from other people’s works but they are original. The last important criterion of good work of art demonstrated in Uri Dotan work is life. All his works of art have life in themselves and therefore, they are able to be appealing to eyes. Digital Virgin The first artistic work to be encountered is given the name Vi rgin. The beautiful digital painting is an abstract sculpture. The digital Venus is created in an architectural space giving it an outstanding pose (The Williams Gallery 2008, para. 4). The painting is composed in a vertical rectangle with figure centered. The painting is movable and recognizable; it as if the artist is welcoming his audience to view his remaining works of art. Digital Dancer The second artistic work in the online exhibit is referred to as Digital dance. The artwork is comprised of bright strips of metal. The work is poised vertically by use of architectural space (The Williams Gallery 2008, para. 6). Although all these are features of a conventional work, there is no doubt when looking art work that one is looking and a virtual sculpture. Although virtual, the artwork is able draw emotions of creativity associated with world of art rather than technological environment. Uri Dotan’s proficiency in digital art continues to unfold as one meets his other works. The second phase of his exhibits begins with a figure which is more mural Navado-like. Tree leaves and sticks have also been used to symbolize hair and the hand. A pedestal, in three dimensions, sits in front of the mural. Beneath this figure, a keen observe is able to what looks like human feet.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Art Exhibition Review specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Uri Danton’s artistic demonstrate his command in digital art. The artist is able to explore various styles in his artistic work. For his fifth piece of work (labeled Hummingbird), Uri Danton has decided to make use of an angle and walls, as opposed to the all too familiar rectangle (The Williams Gallery 2008, para. 7). The image is not completely enclosed but some of its parts come out of the case. The image seems complicated with shadow falling on the wall. In total, there are eight Uri Dotan’s artistic works in the online exhibit. All the eight digital images are wonderful and they demonstrate Dotan’s proficiency as a digital artist. The artist is able to create spaces and fill them with desired figure. Conclusion Digital art is a major revolution in the world of art. Advancement in digital technology has provided artists with a tool not only to create new images but also transform old works of art. Uri Dotan has demonstrated his skills as a digital artist. In the online exhibit, his work comes out as of high quality and skillful. Reference List Christiane, P., 2008, Digital art. New York: Thames Hudson. Churchill, S., 2007. The Art of Digital Show. Web. Available from:Â . Miller, R., 2008, Digital Art: Painting With Pixels. New York: Twenty-First Century Books. The Williams Gallery., 2008. Uri Dotan. Web. Available from .Advertising Looking for essay on art? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Wands, B., 2007, Art of the digital age. New York: Thames Hudson. This essay on Digital Art Exhibition Review was written and submitted by user Dixie Davis to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The railroad in the United States Essay Example

The railroad in the United States Essay Example The railroad in the United States Essay The railroad in the United States Essay In the simplest manner: the railroad changed the face of a nation. The railroad in the United States changed how people traveled, did business, and how Washington governed people. The railroad created new standards and new laws that still affect the way we live today. It helped create a new type of wealth that had never been seen before and became the first big business in the United States. Without the railroads impact, it would be difficult to fathom where the United States and the world would be today.The golden age of the railroad is considered to be by many the period that stretched between the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the First World War.1 Railroading from 1865 to 1929 covers the great expansion, the golden age and the beginning decline of the railroad. The emergence of the modern America, and the beginning of the Great Depression of the United States also can be seen within these dates; this emphasizes the large role that the railroads had in the industrializa tion of the America. It is clear that the history of the United States coincides with the history of the railroad; during these times the railroad played a vital a vital role in thebuilding of the United States. But, the relationship was symbiotic, because it is also possible to see that the direction in which the country was going played a role in how the railroad was formed, controlled, and regulated. Truly, the railroad is a form of transportation that helped make the United States what it is today.The year 1865 finally brought an end to war that had sliced a nation in half. The war, however, was not a destructive force to the railroads. With the exception of the southern lines, American railroads were generally in excellent shape in 1865.2 The Civil War brought new strength to the American railroads. The need to provide for the war had caused the railroads of the United States to expand by as much as 35,500 miles at the end of the war.3 The War had brought new strength to the ra ilroads and the railroads were now standing before their golden age. This golden age began with a big bang: the completion of the transcontinental railway.The story of the transcontinental railway could very well be suited for a Hollywood movie. It involves corruption, greed, great visions, and great strength. Public demand for a transcontinental railway was originally inspired by a proposal made in 1836 by the American statesmen John Plumbe and Robert John Walker.4 The demand for therailway was later increased with the arrival of the gold rush in 1849. In 1861, the Pacific Railway Bill was passed, this bill called for the building of the transcontinental line to be done by two companies, Union Pacific Company and the Central Pacific Company. The job of the Union Pacific Company was to build west from Omaha, while the job of the Central Pacific Company was to build east from Sacramento5. The bill also called for the companies to receive a right-of-way strip for their line (and whate ver they needed for rail yards, sidings, and other facilities), as well as five alternate land sections on each side of the track.6 The companies were also offered loans that went from $16,000 per mile of track in the lowlands to as much as $48,000 a mile in the mountainous regions.7The Union Pacific got of to slow start until they acquired a good engineer by thename of General Dodge, who was one of Shermans Civil War railroad men. UnderGeneral Dodges direction the work on the Union Pacific soon took on a furious pace and a military atmosphere; military preparedness and quickness were exactly what was needed to deal with the hostile Indians.Life on the Central Pacific was by no means pleasant, but they did not have much a problem with the Indians.8 However, one thing that was a problem on the Central Pacific was the lack of labor. California, being largely uninhabited at the time, did not provide a large labor resource; and so the managers of the Central Pacific had to look elsewher e for their labor needs. One of the places they looked for new labor was China. The Chinese turned out to be well suited for the job, and at one point nine-tenths of the labor force of the Central Pacific was Chinese.Eventually the two the companies came within sight of each other, and a meeting place for the two rails was designated. The meeting place chosen was a waterless basin of sagebrush just north of the Great Salt Lake in Utah. This place was called Promontory Point. It was decided that the two companies would meet and there would be a greatceremony to connect the railways. The ceremony was planned, and all of the railroad officials and dignitaries came to drive in the final spike. On May 10, 1869, this event finally took place. The driving in of the final spike came with a little embarrassment: First, one of the leaders of Central Pacific went up to drive in the golden spike and missed; next, the leader of the Union Pacific stepped up to drive in the golden spike and he too missed.9 Eventually, the final spike was driven in: though it is not clear who actually did it. Despite all this, the nation celebrated for the Atlantic coast and the Pacific coast had at last become connected by rail; and the railroad now stood on threshold of its golden age.The years following the completion of the transcontinental line brought an abundance of new railways. The rail network in the United States went from 35,000 miles in 1865 to 164,000 miles in 1890. This building was brought to an all-time high, when in 1916 the total length of the rail network in the United States reached 254,000 miles.10With such a rapid pace of construction, the building in the half-century after the Civil War led to an average annual construction, of over 4,000 miles a year. Even though this rapid construction was not equally spread throughout the country, every area did see some expansion.The transcontinental rail also led to great expansion in the West. The transcontinental railway, and th e railways following, brought eastern markets within a few days of western grain and cattle lands, and eventually helped create great cities in the West itself.11 The new railways of the West also brought about the virtual extermination of the buffalo. The new rails cut the herds in half and destroyed their natural habitat. It also became a game for people heading west on the railway to shoot the animal from their train window.12Now that the railroad spanned across the continent, the railroad was becoming a major player in the expansion of industry. The industry of the United States was rapidly expanding, and the railroad was becoming more than just a small factor in a great group of expanding industries. Railroads encouraged growth not only through the offering of their transport services, but also through the transportation need, of other industries. Railroads were not only the biggest shippers of industrial products; they were also American industrys best customers.13 The railroa ds became a huge buyer of steel, coal, lumber, and oil. To say that the railroad was an important factor in the industrialization of America is a huge understatement. The railroad became the pulse of industry and was considered by many the leading factor in the expansion of industry in the United States.While the network of rails was spreading, great financial networks were also developing. Groups of once independent railroad companies were grabbed up and consolidated to form large railroad systems.14 One prime example of this was The New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad, which were formed by the consolidation of about 200 originally independent lines.The large consolidation brought about the need for new standards and new technology that would help the railroad continue to grow and operate more efficiently. One of the new standards that was needed was a standard gauge for the railroads to operate on. This was needed because the expansion of the rails had now brought the need to move the freight from one line to another. This was not possible because throughout the country there were different gauges. For example in the south the popular gauge was five feet, but on other railroads like the Erie the gauge was six feet. It was decided amongst railroads that a standard must decided on, and that standard became four feet, eight and one half inches.15Another standard that was created and is still used today is standardized time. Until the movement for Standard Time, each town had its own time. There were, for example, thirty-eight different times in the state of Wisconsin alone. Given the amount of different times, the speed of trains, and the distance these trains traveled. This spelled one thing: complete chaos. Eventually the problem was solved in 1883, when the General Time Convention was held by the railroads. At this convention it was decided that the continental United States would be broken up into four standard time zones. People soon found it easy t o set their clocks by railroad time, and thus the railroad standard became a national standard.Other technological innovations that were created to aid the expansion and consolidation of the railways were: the use of steel rails, the automatic coupler, and the air brake. The automatic coupler allowed a coupler to close on impact, but still be able to open from the side of the car. The air brake, invented by George Westinghouse, allowed trains to stop much quicker than they had been able to in the past.Besides bringing about new technology, the consolidation of the railways also brought about the great railroad barons. The railroad had become a likely stop for the strong businessmen interested in making millions by manipulating the rail system. But in gaining such immense power, many railroad builders and consolidators became unethical and ruthless in their business practices. Watered stock, stock market rigging, corrupt rate wars, rebating and labor violence all became part of the n ew railroad picture. 16Railroad barons like Jay Gould James Fisk were masters at these tricks. One example of how money was made was by stock watering, which was the process of increasing the number of shares of a company without adding to the companys assets.17Perhaps one of the greatest of the great railroad barons was Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt. Originally from the steamboat business, Vanderbilt gained control of such railroads as the New York Central and the Erie through ruthless business practices. A prime example of Vanderbilts ruthless practices is how he obtained control over the New York Central Railroad. Vanderbilt was frustrated with the current managers of the New York Central because they often bypassed his railroad when sending freight into New York City. So, Vanderbilt simply stopped shipping their freight and passengers one day. The New York Central stock rapidly began to drop on Wall Street because of Vanderbilts actions. Seeing that the stock was now cheap, Van derbilt began buy up the stock while it was cheap, and the company eventually fell into his hands.18 But practices like this could only go on for so long.The railroads activities had become too corrupt for most people and were beginning to become a financial burden for many farmers and business owners. Business owners and farmers began to resent the railroad and decided that something must be done. Taking the initiative was a group called the Patrons of Husbandry, popularly known as the Grange. The Grange was originally formed as a social group to bring farmers out of the isolation of their farmhouses.19 They had picnics, suppers, and other events, that well frequently held at the local Grange Hall. However, as railroad abuse increased the group shifted from entertainment purposes to more political purposes.The Grangers bonded together to establish many things that helped farmers, but their primary purpose eventually became to bring reform to the railroads.20 The Grangers quickly gr ew in size and gained enough power to elect people free of railroad influence, in the state legislatures. They pushed for new laws that would regulate the railroads monopolies, and eventually succeeded. But the Grangers success only came at the state level through what were called Granger laws. Even though these laws were aimed to regulate monopolies, though such things as freight and passenger rates, they were easily evaded by the railroads. However, some progress had been won. The nation was beginning to shift from an attitude of laissez-faire capitalism to a more progressive state of mind.One of the biggest things people learned from the Granger laws was that reform of the railroads was going to have to take place on a national level. In 1885, a Senate committee conducted an investigation of railroad business practices. The final report from the committee listed the familiar abuses of the railroads, such as watered stock and unreasonably high rates. This investigation made it cle ar that Federal Government must do something and in 1887 it did. The Interstate Commerce Act, in language that was perhaps deliberately vague, required that all interstate rates be reasonable and just and prohibited the familiar competitive practices of rebates, drawbacks, and pools.21 The act also required that the railroad publish their rate schedules and file them with the government. An Interstate Commerce Commission was created to administer the act and enforce it. The success of the Interstate Commerce Act was short lived and was easily evaded because of its loose wording.22 In 1890 the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed, but it too failed in regulating the railroads because of loose wording.23The move for railroad regulation was ultimately lost until the arrival of Theodore Roosevelt and a strong Progressive movement. Roosevelt considered railroad regulation to be a major issue and strongly moved for the greater empowerment of the Interstate Commerce Commission. His wish was gr anted in 1906 when the Hepburn Act was passed. The Hepburn Act greatly extended the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission. It also abolished the granting of passes and made the laws against rebates stronger.24 Following the Hepburn Act, were more and more laws aimed at regulating therailroads. As the new regulations went into effect, the railroad slowly began to slip down hill. But concern with the regulations was turned away from with the arrival of the First World War.Many problems faced the railroads as America entered World War I in 1917. One was the increase of rail traffic caused by the war. The railroads became very busy and subsequently operating cost rose. The railroads began to lose money due to the Interstate Commerce Commissions hold on the rates.25 Another problem that faced the railroads during World War I was that of management. Railroad executives found it very difficult to operate their rail lines together during the war. The creation of a railroad War Board w as an attempt to help the situation, but it did not work very well. Eventually it was decided by the government that they must take over, so an act was passed that allowed the Interstate Commerce Commission to control the movement, distribution, and exchange of railroad cars. This too failed because the commission was inept in exercising its authority. Given all the failed attempts, the government decided in 1918 to take complete control of the railroad.26 The government remained in charge of the railroad until the Transportation Act of 1920, which called for their return to private management.The future was not bright for the railroads: ever since the arrival of the First World War the railroads had experienced a general decline. This was due mostly to the development of new types of transportation. Millions now owned Henry Fords model T automobile, and various other cars.27 The twenties brought the arrival of motorbuses, which also took away from the railroads business. Other new forms of transportation, such as trucks and airplanes, also took their toll on the business of the railway. So, as the nation was roaring through the Twenties and heading for the Great Depression, the railroad was becoming ever increasingly a thing of the past.If there is to be an a lasting lesson from the history of the railroads from 1865-1929 it is that major industrial innovations can only live an unregulated life for so long. The United Stated was a booming country experiencing wide spread industrialization. The railroad was an essential part of this boom, but railroads had to change just as the to country had to change. The free going attitude of laissez-faire can only last so long in a country where equality and fairness before the law are valued. The railroads fully rode the first wave of industrialization and faded into the background when their time had come. The significance of the railroad will probably never be fully realized, but their impact will always be felt.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

English Composition-Progress and Process Reflection beyond the Assignment

English Composition-Progress and Process Reflection beyond the Classroom-Discussion - Assignment Example Teachers grading and mistakes highlighting have made me improve this area greatly. Also, group work and interchanging our article for peer examination have made me able to rate my work against that of the fellow writers and consequently I have been able to improve. Reading my work aloud has enabled me to identify and correct mistakes that may not be detected when reading quietly hence I have perfected my editing. I have been able to choose my words according to the impression I want to make and consequently my grammar has improved with time as I wrote on various topics. Through continuous writing, I have gained new writing skills such as painting word pictures and use of figurative language. This has made me able to make tangible writing reflections as well as creating strong meaning. These writing skills are very applicable beyond the classroom as they help in writing reports, strategies and plans at work. They are also very important in the grant application, online communication, emailing, and Curriculum vitae writing among others. In all these areas, grammatical errors and other poor writing skills may change the meaning of written information and therefore good writing skills become very important. Class work writing practices have helped me to become a better writer. Interacting with peers, being graded and research work introduced in class has med me better my writing skills.Â