Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Cross Culture Theory

Question: Use short extracts of the interviews to support your analysis or make clear reference to which section of the interview transcripts you are referring to.Explains key concepts, presents theory / practice on the topic (as pertinent), interview discussion and application to theory. Answer: The cross culture theory helps the organization as well as the expatriate to expand its business overseas and also to travel for 12 long years. The expatriate loves to work overseas as he loves to travel across the world. He also loves to experience the varied food, destination, culture and people, etc. As per Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory helps to analyze the behavior of varied cultural people across the world. The theory states that power of the individual within the Australian organization accept the changes within the organization which are unequally distributed. The theory also states that the expatriate measure the level of power within the organization in order to manage the cultural aspects of the varied country. Thus, the expatriate takes a call to his family and friends for mental support and also for guiding before take the assigned project. This is referred from question 1 stated in the interview towards the expatriate. According to the cross-cultural theory, cert ain challenges are faced by the expatriate during his journey as the expatriate. The common and most difficult challenged faced by expatriate is language (Ting-Toomey and Chung 2012). Language and cultures stand as a barrier for the expatriate. Certain challenges as dress code, ethical issues, limitations, and dinning manner may sometimes stand as a barrier for the expatriate in adapting local environment. The Expatriate thus exchange owns culture and identity which help to adjust with their culture as a form of exchange. As per Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, the uncertainty Avoidance index helps the Australian organization to deal with changes in varied cultures and also helps in minimizing the anxiety of stress within the organization as a whole. The analysis is referred as Question 2 as stated by expatriate in the interview. The expatriate, gets the cultural shocked experienced by him is in the Indian Restaurant in India which does not provide cutleries and need to fed b are hand which appears to be unhygienic for the expatriate as well. According to the cross-cultural theory, the expatriate also feels that the package and new knowledge and network also may have motivated his colleague and friends too towards the organization. As per the analysis, the expatriate gets influenced by certain other motivational factors that may include the transportation and accommodation cost (Sackmann 2012). As per Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, the other social benefits may include the recognition of the employee and also promotion which help to motivate employees more towards the organization. As per the theory, The Individualism vs. Collectivism refers to the wellbeing of an individual which also helps to attain personal goals as well within the organization. This helps in the cultural development of the individual as well as the organization as a whole. The statement is referred from Question 2 as interviewed towards the expatriate. Employees working in different organizations like Siong Supermarket Pty Ltd (Singapore) and Spring Land International (Hong Kong) experience varied cultures which also differ regarding social activities, political affairs and economical growth as well. The expatriate, tries to be more socialize and make more new friends specially to adopt the local cultures and traditions as well. According to the cross-cultural theory, the expatriate also implied and introduced a new leadership approach within the workplace. As per Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, the expatriate has been allowed to contribute new innovate ideas towards the organizational success and development (Fang 2012). As per the analysis, ideas had been implemented by the joint effort made by the employee within the workplace regarding fair voting theory. However, some are not implemented as the time stand as a constraint for the organization. The Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, also states that Masculinity vs. Femininity which refers to the gender fairness within the company. This helps the organizatio n to manage diverse culture irrespective of the gender biasness and also helps the expatriate to enjoy a new thought of gender fairness. This is referred from Question 4 from the interview conducted by the interviewer. As per the evaluation, most common leadership style is Transformational leadership style. It also helps to increase the production quality which led the organization towards success and development as a whole. As per the expatriate, the local stress also demands satisfaction of team work and the implementation of effective approach help the individual to feel important within the workplace (House et al. 2012). As per the expatriate, people usually dont need to extend their working hours until the projects remain incomplete. As per the expatriate, the people of Singapore are fast as because they are very competitive in nature as a whole. The analysis stated that Singapore is fast growing country and thus basically use the term KIASU which makes them remember not to lo se regarding local context (Caligiuri and Tarique 2012). As per Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, states that Indulgence vs. Restraint helps the employees to get satisfied their immediate needs within the organization and helps in gaining competitive advantage as well. As per the analysis the statement is refereed from Question 9 from the interview statement. The management keeps changing specially in Singapore as because the business is mainly owned by a family. Moreover, the organizational restructure and dissatisfaction of the stakeholders led the organization towards experiencing changes. The changes need to be adopted by a team as well as they need to believe that management cannot remain constant forever, and he changes further led towards development. As per the analysis the company has set 5 long term goal. The expatriate being in the upper management; also has set goals for the company which might comprise of long tenure and help in development. The company is worth of long-term benefits for development and improvement as well. The lifestyles need to be changed as because the cost per capita income is much higher in Singapore than Indonesia (Lasserre 2012). The expatriate has thus changed the lifestyle as he got afraid by one of his colleagues who are suffering from debts in the country. As per the Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, Long term Orientation vs. short term orientation refers to the time horizon of the society. It also referred to short term oriented cultures which help to build relationship within the organization as a whole. This is referred from question 11 of the interview conducted towards expatriate as well. The expatriate faced certain challenges which comprise of language. The most challenging part for th e interviewee is the language, but he overcomes that as majority speaks English as well. As per the analysis of the scenario most common communication is email regarding communicating within the workplace. Its effective as the other organization used service portals. The most unusual communication is meeting within the organization as a whole. As per the analysis, the time consumed while conducting the meeting depends on the clients and also their nature towards the organization as a whole. the negotiating practice includes the contract in Singapore within the organization and in Indonesia, it includes the relationship and connection between the management and the employees within the organization. The expatriate responded has overcome through collaboration and negotiation and also by taking tips from his colleagues (Matsumoto and Juang 2012). As per the analysis the statement is referred from question 16 conducted towards the interviewee. The expatriate after returning to the origi n country practice the same method of adopting the local culture as he does overseas. As per the analysis, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the local culture and original identity as a whole. It is also important for the expatriate to mix with friends and colleagues to deal with foreign countries. As per Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, Uncertainty Avoidance helps the expatriate to accept the changes and also helps in accepting the local culture as well. This helps in avoiding misconception and miscommunication within the workplace. The pros of being expatriate are that he can travel across the world and also helps in developing the business across the borders while the cons of being an expatriate are he needs to stay away from his family and friends for the long span of time (Emmerling and Boyatzis 2012). As per the analysis the statement is referred from question 18 from the interview conducted towards the expatriate. This led the individual to suffer a mental state but with a benefit of talking over the phone and helps in gaining support as well. This consequently helps the organization to gain sustainability in the international market. Reference List: Caligiuri, P. and Tarique, I., 2012. Dynamic cross-cultural competencies and global leadership effectiveness.Journal of World Business,47(4), pp.612-622. Emmerling, R.J. and Boyatzis, R.E., 2012. Emotional and social intelligence competencies: cross cultural implications.Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal,19(1), pp.4-18. Fang, T., 2012. Yin Yang: A new perspective on culture.Management and organization Review,8(1), pp.25-50, 44(2), pp.67-98 House, R.J., Wright, N.S. and Aditya, R.N., 2012. Cross-cultural research on organizational leadership: A critical analysis and a proposed theory, 23(1), pp. 54-58. Lasserre, P., 2012.Global strategic management. Palgrave Macmillan, 12(1), pp. 63-74. Matsumoto, D. and Juang, L., 2012.Culture and psychology. Cengage Learning, 43(2), pp. 66-78. Sackmann, S.A., 2012.Cultural complexity in organizations: Inherent contrasts and contradictions. Sage Publications, Inc, 32(1), pp. 45-54 Ting-Toomey, S. and Chung, L.C., 2012.Understanding intercultural communication. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 22(1), pp. 28-32

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